Dust Collection Gallery
Complete Dust Collection Capabilities
Air Equipment Sales has designed and engineered dust collection systems for companies of all sizes. We will make sure the system meets all current OSHA and NFPA requirements. These are a few of our projects below.

DustHog SFC 40 cartridge dust collector and a direct fired make-up air unit on a sandblast building to meet OSHA requirements.

DustHog SFC 40 cartridge dust collector and a direct fired make-up air unit on a sandblast building to meet OSHA requirements.

DustHog SFC 40 cartridge dust collector and a direct fired make-up air unit on a sandblast building to meet OSHA requirements.

ACT 6 cartridge dust collector on shot blast machines.

Smog-Hog 2,000 CFM SHN-20 electrostatic precipitator on a brazing booth.

DustHog SFC 24 cartridge dust collector handling nuisance dust at food product blender with explosion protection system and HEPA final filter.

Imperial BRF reverse air dust collector with explosion vents and explosion isolation valve on a truck dump pit at a co-op elevator.

DustHog SDC shaker dust collector collecting concrete dust from sample testing at a DOT facility.

Five user vacuum system at brass foundry.

Tri-Mer WhirlWet wet dust collector on a Timesaver belt sander on metal. End-user replaced a dry cartridge dust collector because of frequent fires.

DustHog SFC 32 cartridge dust collector collecting airborne dust from a rock crusher.

DustHog SFC 64 cartridge dust collector on two plasma tables at a sheet metal fabricator.

DustHog SFC 4 cartridge dust collector connected to adjustable arms collecting rock dust from cleaning fossils at a museum.

DustHog SFC 24 cartridge dust collector collecting fume from a molten salt bath.

Four baghouses with precleaners on tool steel grinding.

DustHog SFC 6 cartridge dust collector or metal thermal spray.

DustHog SFC 40 cartridge dust collector performing ambient air cleaning at large metal fabricator.

SmogHog SHN-40 electrostatic precipitators performing ambient air cleaning at large metal fabricator.

DustHog cyclone dust collector and hanging bag after-filter on a high school wood shop.

DustHog SDC shaker dust collector with explosion vents and explosion isolation valve on table saws.
Free on-site consultations for all projects.

Air Equipment Sales Inc
P.O. Box 802
1035 Lincoln Rd, Suite 101B
Bettendorf, IA 52722
Phone: 563-359-0333
Toll-Free: 1-800-747-0333
Fax: 563-359-0334
Contact Persons:
Brian Melvin
Dave Deasy